Smart Event Management

Our event management platform makes sure you can leverage the potential of goal-oriented meetings and create an event that maximizes connectivity.

Attendee Management

Gives you full control over your participants and enables you to take action wherever it is needed, in every phase of the event.

Team Collaboration

Team management and collaboration on event projects made easy with multiple organizer accesses, permissions, and role responsibilities.

Imports and Exports

You can import participant lists, contact data sets, and send invitations. Additionally, all data can be exported to Excel/CSV.

On-Site Management

Create and print customizable badges and use our mobile app to streamline your check-in process.

Surveys and Reporting

Discover what your attendees think about your event with custom feedback forms and meeting rate options. Analyze and improve with real time data.

Networking Software

Take full control over the dynamics of participant networking, simplify the process of connecting, and get more out of your event, with goal-oriented networking.

Detailed Networking Profiles

Enable attendees to create in-depth networking profiles telling others about themselves, their business field, and company details.

Effective Meeting Management

Participants can tailor their networking experience by requesting, managing, and pre-scheduling their meetings before, during and after the event.

Messaging and Notifications

Participants can exchange messages directly with each other through Qutana and stay in contact. Automated meeting notifications keep them informed about anything related to their meetings.

Virtual & Hybrid Event Software

Create an engaging virtual event experience for your audience to network, connect, and collaborate.

Distribute and broadcast content

Your participants can easily register and attend online sessions such as workshops, webinars, and more.

Integrated broadcasting of live-sessions

Incorporate any streaming provider by simply embedding links to your session buttons and work with any third-party streaming provider.

Hybrid Events

You can choose to incorporate virtual meetings into your in-person event. Take the whole event virtually or offer it as an extra meeting format for physical events.

Registration and Check In

Streamline your event with our straightforward registration process, optimized for the needs of reducing long queues and networking.

Customizable Registration Process

Our registration system is perfectly flexible and can be adapted to your events workflow and its specific requirements.

Ticketing and Payment Processing

Sell ticket packages directly through Qutana. Acquire your own cash collection account connected to our platform and receive your money directly into your bank account.

Single Sign-On (LinkedIn)

Your participants can simply use their LinkedIn accounts to register even faster. Once registered on the Qutana platform, they can access all their events from one user account.

Event Communication and Marketing

Professionally and easily promote your upcoming event with all the essential marketing components our platform includes.

Event Website

Promote your event with an engaging and fully responsive event website that is set-up quickly and without any programming knowledge required, thanks to our straightforward website builder.

Email Campaigns

Utilize targeted emails to promote your event among participant or contact lists and drive engagement with automated email campaigns.

Single Sign-On (LinkedIn)

Your participants can simply use their LinkedIn accounts to register even faster. Once registered on the Qutana platform, they can access all their events from one user account.

Mobile Event App

Create a more holistic event experience, stimulate engagement, and increase attendee satisfaction by bringing your event into the participant’s pocket. Upgrade your event’s impact with our perfectly integrated mobile app.

Networking Management, and Messaging

Participants can easily manage their connections to other attendees, do last-minute changes during the event, book additional meetings or stay in contact with each other via the integrated messaging.

Content Distribution

Give straight access to all relevant information about your event, like sponsors, floor plans, etc. by displaying it directly in our mobile app.

Check-In Management

Less stress and shorter queues at your event with our mobile app’s participant check-in.

Live Polls and Questions

Add interactivity to your event and let participants ask questions during speaker sessions or cast their vote in live polls.

Customized and Automated Push-Notifications

Make sure to stay in touch with your attendees when they are on-site with customized push-notifications. Our system keeps participants updated about any changes related to their meetings and personalized schedules automatically.